#1 ARCHIVED POSTS FROM SPECIAL EDUCATION FOLDER GROUP HOMES JULY 25, 1995 - AUGUST 24, 1995 FILE NAME: SPEDGH01.TXT Subj: NEED HELP FINDING GRP HOME Date: 95-07-25 18:08:43 EDT From: JJohns12 We've had our profoundly retarded child at home for 15 years. It has become increasingly difficult to provide care. She now consumes a great deal of the energy and attention that could be going to her younger siblings. We feel that there is not any more that we can do to enhance her progress which has been quite slow. She has been in schools, primarily in Florida (Tampa Bay area) , but has made little progress. Publicly funded group homes simply don't seem to be available in Florida. Children are taken on basis of most urgent need. Elsewhere, we have found long waiting lists. We are willing to move to a state that provides the best possibility for placement in a publicly funded group home. WE would like to know which states have the best programs. Subj: Re:NEED HELP FINDING GRP HOME Date: 95-08-03 07:19:30 EDT From: TAZZER TAZ I live in Wash. State and i have worked for two different Gr. Home's. But try Foster Care throug D.S.H.S. in your State first and see what your opition's are there first. Subj: Re:NEED HELP FINDING GRP HOME Date: 95-08-11 10:51:02 EDT From: MelanieT I moved to Florida last year. I now teach special education students, but I was working in a group home in Pennsylvania. I really enjoyed the work, and it was a good organization. The organization I worked for was Threshold Rehabilitation Services, in Reading, PA. Phone is (610)777-7691. I am unsure of who you would want to talk to, but it is a good service. E-mail me at MelanieT if I can be of any service to you. Melanie Subj: Re: Group Homes Date: 95-08-17 15:17:14 EDT From: SMclean626 My son is 13 and has Lennox-Gastuat syndrome. He is severly mr and has clusters of seizures about 5 times a day. As he is growing, I know the time will come when I can't handle him physically. He seizes all through the night and gets up every 2 hours. He has been on the state's waiting list for a group home for 5 years and still has over 1000 people ahead of him! We are looking into opening a group home of our own. Anyone with info regarding Connecticut's regulations, please let me know. I'm not ready to place him yet, but I want to be prepared. Thanks! Subj: Re:NEED HELP FINDING GRP HOME Date: 95-08-24 00:40:59 EDT From: Parmm There is a great group home in Tampa called Angels Unaware. I have worked there for over five years and I have seen our clients make some great strides! The homes are very well run and a very family like atmostphere. I have worked in a lot of homes in the area and Angels is by far the best! I know they have an opening for a girl at this time, but you need to contact them ASAP because they tend to get a lot of applications. Not only do they provide care, but they also run behavior and educational programs. It is truly a place where people are loved and